

Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 9, 2013

Best Mexican Restaurant Silverthorne Colorado

By J. Jubilee

College is the ideal time to discover beer and Mexican food. College is the ideal cultural melting pot. Suddenly, we're living on our own without our parents. We're making decisions for ourselves.

Here's mine: ultimate frisbee and Mexican food. College is a very unique time in our lives. Suddenly, we're living on our own in a university dormitory.

Hopefully, we moved away from our hometown so we can really grow. These experiences last longer than what we learn in our books. College is a cultural melting pot. We learn so many new things.

Eventually, we become exposed to much more diversity in university. For some people it can be our first exposure to people of color. Those lovely individuals and their cultures are what make life abundant. It is one great thing about being in college.

Whatever, the original motivation the lasting memory will be the food. That spicy, flavor-full food awakens you. Its impact on you will remain forever. That fantastic yearning that only an authentic Mexican restaurant could fulfill.

Although there will come a day when we are too old for ultimate. Mexican food will always remain a passion. There's nothing else that fulfills that craving like the cuisine from an authentic Mexican restaurant.

As time passes old fraternity brothers fade into the past. At one time that thought alone seemed un-thinkable. For a very short time we were all so close. We all shared common goals and single-mindedness. But, all that has passed and a few things remain.

One of those remaining things is an love for authentic Mexican food. How is that even possible? Something that seemed so irrelevant then is so enduring?

We all hope that those family owned, small Mexican restaurants stay around forever. Their existence is threatened by corporate globalism. Authentic Mexican culture is replaced with phony franchises. Will our kids and their children still have the luxury of taking pleasure in real Mexican cuisine?

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