Diaries are used to keep track of daily events but journals are used for much more than this. Using creative writing journals to write in provides a way of not just recording events but our reactions to them, the emotions they evoked in us and more. If we develop the habit of keeping a journal, this can have many positive benefits in our lives. Not only can it improve our health and promote emotional healing but it will also stimulate our creativity and improve our ability to express ourselves.
Throughout history, people have used journals to record their innermost thoughts. These thoughts usually remain private. However, if the person was famous, like a Winston Churchill or a Theodore Roosevelt, they may be published for us to get an insight into the way their minds worked. However, these writings are mostly only ever seen by the person who recorded them and never to stand up to judgment or ridicule. As the thoughts are uncensored by others, they may often result in fresh insights and inspirational ideas.
It is often helpful to look back at past events and emotions and reflect on them. This is where a journal comes in handy as it not only records events but captures the emotions experienced at the time. One can often gain helpful insights and even discern unhelpful behavior patterns that can be changed. Personal and even professional growth can be encouraged in this manner.
When you first buy a journal, you may find you sit staring at it, not knowing how to begin. Just put one word after another without thinking too much. You will soon find that the words begin to flow. The more you write, the easier and more fluid the process becomes. Like an old well that has been cleaned out, at first the water that comes out is dirty but as it flows, it starts to become clearer.
When we begin to develop this habit, it provides a way of clearing out the mind. You transfer thoughts from your head to the paper, clearing out mental clutter. Once this happens, there is room for true creativity to be expressed. It is rather like having a dialogue with yourself and eventually may lead to insights you would otherwise have missed.
A journal is a safe place to express yourself creatively without fear of failure or criticism. You can relax and allow yourself to play with ideas. You do not ever have to show it to anyone if you do not want to.
Putting pen to paper still has a vital place to play, in spite of the digital revolution that has taken place. Many people still find that wrestling with problems or exploring new ideas works best when physically taking up a pen and some paper and working with them. Many techniques and exercises can also be found on the internet to help people develop their creative muscles.
Journaling has many benefits including clarifying thinking, dealing with the past, asking important questions and stimulating creativity. When one writes simply for ones own benefit instead of for an audience, the process is cathartic and inspirational at the same time. It is worthwhile to develop this habit and experience its many benefits.
Throughout history, people have used journals to record their innermost thoughts. These thoughts usually remain private. However, if the person was famous, like a Winston Churchill or a Theodore Roosevelt, they may be published for us to get an insight into the way their minds worked. However, these writings are mostly only ever seen by the person who recorded them and never to stand up to judgment or ridicule. As the thoughts are uncensored by others, they may often result in fresh insights and inspirational ideas.
It is often helpful to look back at past events and emotions and reflect on them. This is where a journal comes in handy as it not only records events but captures the emotions experienced at the time. One can often gain helpful insights and even discern unhelpful behavior patterns that can be changed. Personal and even professional growth can be encouraged in this manner.
When you first buy a journal, you may find you sit staring at it, not knowing how to begin. Just put one word after another without thinking too much. You will soon find that the words begin to flow. The more you write, the easier and more fluid the process becomes. Like an old well that has been cleaned out, at first the water that comes out is dirty but as it flows, it starts to become clearer.
When we begin to develop this habit, it provides a way of clearing out the mind. You transfer thoughts from your head to the paper, clearing out mental clutter. Once this happens, there is room for true creativity to be expressed. It is rather like having a dialogue with yourself and eventually may lead to insights you would otherwise have missed.
A journal is a safe place to express yourself creatively without fear of failure or criticism. You can relax and allow yourself to play with ideas. You do not ever have to show it to anyone if you do not want to.
Putting pen to paper still has a vital place to play, in spite of the digital revolution that has taken place. Many people still find that wrestling with problems or exploring new ideas works best when physically taking up a pen and some paper and working with them. Many techniques and exercises can also be found on the internet to help people develop their creative muscles.
Journaling has many benefits including clarifying thinking, dealing with the past, asking important questions and stimulating creativity. When one writes simply for ones own benefit instead of for an audience, the process is cathartic and inspirational at the same time. It is worthwhile to develop this habit and experience its many benefits.
About the Author:
Our award winning author has come up with creative writing journals to write in. Generate your ideas with the help of this blog at http://writeratplay.com.
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